Monday, September 30, 2013

Hey! I'm a twit...terer!

I have now ventured into the Twitter-verse!  Hang on, because it is going to be a bumpy ride.  You can follow me @pauldsmith4321.  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The latest and (not so) greatest...

Well, my goal to have a finished product by the end of September isn't going to happen.  I have a finished manuscript submitted, but some other peripheral, but equally important, items for the publication are still finishing up.  So, I'm moving the "live" date to mid-October.  Thanks for being patient, everyone!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Good tedium

I have almost half of the book edited in a week.  It is pretty easy work, but tedious.  Just clicking over and over and over again to accept or reject changes.  I have to grit my teeth and muscle through it.  But my goal is have the final edit done by the end of September.

Friday, September 13, 2013


In a surprising turn of events, the edit showed up in my mailbox today!  I have to say, Createspace is pretty good at staying on top of things.  

I have A LOT of work to do to get this final edit done, but what made me feel good was this quote at the beginning of the letter...

"Overall, the manuscript is in excellent shape: unique, well written, and absorbing with fleshed-out characters and a nice blend of modern and mythological. "

So now, I have to go through the whole thing again and get the edits fixed.  Not sure how long that will take, but I should have a finished manuscript by then.  WOW!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Finally heard from the editors!

Well, the editors got back to me and...

They need more time :-(

Apparently, they have fallen behind so the latest word is I will get the manuscript back by the end of the day Monday, the 16th.  I know that is not too much longer of a wait, so I just have to be patient.  Ah well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another Update

The final edit should be coming back tomorrow!  I'm not sure how long it will take to apply the edits, but hopefully we will have a final product ready soon.  The digital/kindle versions of the book will probably get out quicker than the print copies, but I'm excited to have a final product in hand soon.